All About Alex

When my 30 Before 30 Project began, I was a college sophomore, majoring in Secondary English Education with an endorsement in TESOL. When the project is completed, I will be (of course) 30 years old. That's pretty much all I know for sure, and that makes me really excited.

I am a graduate of Toccoa Falls College with a Bachelors of Science in Secondary English Education and an endorsement in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages.
My favorite things include traveling, reading, knitting, blogging, swing and ballroom dancing, hoking, cooking, crafting, and writing. I love Sonic’s Happy Hour and acoustic worship, and I have a hard time passing up a homemade chai latte or a Mocha Cookie Crumble. I’m an introverted people-person with an INFJ on the Meyers-Briggs.

Check out my Blogs: 
Grace Upon Grace - Where I blog about grace and discovery

30Before30 With Alex – Reaching thirty challenging goals before I turn thirty
One Creative Outlet – Recipes, Pinterest Ideas, and More 
Alex’s Adventures in Asia – Preparing for my next trip overseas in Spring 2014
LosingMyself – Where I wrote about identity, singleness, and faith for about three years