So, I bounded over to the window and found this! Wow! Took it two weeks and a couple failed attempts at remembering to water it, but here's one little sprout. Turns out, if it lives, it will become a marigold.
In other news, this Thursday, there is a blood drive on campus. We have them about 4 times a semester and, while this is my fourth semester, I still have not given blood. Donating blood is number 25 on my list, so I'm planning to go donate this Thursday! Wish me luck - I have a hard time with my veins.
There are only three weeks left in the semester, so I have been checking things off my semester goals and year goals lists recently. Here are some things I've completed or done well on maintaining....
- Watch Amazing Grace
- Keep fruit in my room (Blueberries a couple weeks ago, bananas this week!)
- Compile resources about Teacher Education (my major - had to do this for class)
- Visit my Dad and Stepmom with my friend Anna
- Visit mutual friends with my friend Sarah
- Attend four concerts
- Take my roommate Lula to a nearby town called "Lula"
- Maintain a 3.5 GPA or higher
- Plan and prepare a meal for my church
- Wear skirts everyday for seven days
- Have coffee or lunch dates with a list of friends
The things I don't complete I will be eighty-sixing or modifying to try to accomplish next year. I hope this inspires you to set a few goals for yourself!